Results for articles containing the Tag "open enrollment"
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Use it or lose it: Your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) can be applied for dental!
The end of the year is near, and if you have a flexible spending account, you’re coming up on your use it or lose it date! Did you know that your FSA can be used toward some dental expenses? Here’s an example of what’s covered:
November 9th, 2018

Help your employees get the most out of their benefits
Because dental benefits have the potential to improve both oral and overall health, it’s important that employees make the most of their coverage. These simple steps can help encourage employees to leverage their dental benefits as effectively as possible:
September 21st, 2018

Getting married? Here's how your dental coverage can change.
When it comes to your dental coverage, marriage is considered a “qualifying life event.” After a qualifying life event, you can make changes to your dental plan within a specified amount of time. If your change isn’t requested in time, you may have to wait for open enrollment – the window of time when you can make changes to your dental coverage. Be sure to check your dental coverage to see when the adjustment will take effect.
July 9th, 2018

What to expect during open enrollment
Insurance coverage for most companies begins on January 1, so many hold their open enrollment right around now! We’ve put together a little guide on what you likely can expect as you go through the process of choosing your benefits for 2018.
November 8th, 2017

What should I ask my HR department this open enrollment period?
Picking your benefits can be complicated. In fact, statistics show that most people tend to just re-enroll in the benefit options that they have chosen previously. But benefit packages often change, and you may want to change your selections with them.
September 19th, 2017